Matching a disease to a CRF

Disease Index

Disease list 1.png Disease list 2.png Disease list 3.png

1 AIDS and HIV should be notified in EpiSurv before contacting University of Otago AIDS Epidemiology Group
2 Cases of Creutzfeld Jakob Disease and other spongiform encephalopathies must be reported to the New Zealand CJD Surveillance Registry, University of Otago,
3 Gonorrhoea should be notified to ESR via an online REDCap case notification form. Instructions are on the Notify STIs page on the ESR website.
4 Massey University uses a reporting tool that is linked to the Patient Management System.
5 Syphilis should be notified to ESR via the sexual health clinic REDCap notification or by email. Instructions are on the Notify STIs page on the ESR website.
6 Please see Guidelines for tuberculosis control on the Health New Zealand website.