Case Report Form Documents

Download an EpiSurv Form document by clicking the relevant .pdf link in the table below. All Case Report Form documents (including Outbreaks) can be downloaded as zip files from the bottom of this page.

Disease Type Updated Blank Instructions Field Names
AIDS Feb 23 Blank CRF.pdf
Arboviral Disease May 24 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Brucellosis Jul 13 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
COVID-19 Jul 22 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Enteric Disease Dec 17 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Generic Dec 13 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Haemophilus influenza type b Nov 13 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Hepatitis A Nov 13 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Hepatitis B, C, NOS Nov 13 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Aug 07 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Invasive Pneumococcal Disease Sep 16 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Legionellosis Dec 23 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Leptospirosis Nov 13 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Listeriosis Dec 17 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Malaria Sep 10 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Measles, Mumps, Rubella Oct 23 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Meningococcal Disease Aug 23 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Mpox Feb 24 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Non Seasonal Influenza A (H1N1) Aug 13 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Non Seasonal Influenza A(H7N9) Aug 13 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Outbreaks Oct 10 Blank ORF.pdf Outbreak Instructions.pdf Outbreak Field Names.pdf
Pertussis Dec 17 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Rheumatic Fever Jul 14 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
STEC infection Feb 23 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Toxic Shellfish Poisoning Aug 07 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Tuberculosis Oct 12 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf
Viral haemorrhagic fever Oct 14 Blank CRF.pdf CRF Instructions.pdf CRF Field Names.pdf


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