Case identification

Name of case
Enter the surname and the given name(s) of the case.

NHI number
Enter the NHI number if known.

Enter a contact email address (optional).

Current address
This is the address where the case was residing when the onset of illness occurred (or when the infection was identified if the onset is unknown and/or the case is imported). Enter the street number and the first four or five letters of the street name, then tick the geocode box. This will bring up a geocode window which will display the addresses that match what you have entered. Select the one that enables you to geocode the address as accurately as possible. By clicking on OK and Update Address, the address fields will be completed for you. If you do not wish to overwrite what you have entered in the address fields, click the OK option.
If none of the addresses suggested are suitable, either enter a different address in the Case Report Form and try to geocode again or select a Territorial Authority (TA) and District Health Board (DHB) from the Geocode window. All addresses must be geocoded to at least Territorial Authority level.
Note that there are Mailing Address fields on the Extra Details tab.

Phone numbers
Enter contact phone number(s) for the case.