Outbreaks: Vehicle/source of common source

Indicate whether a specific contaminated food/water or environmental source was identified. If Yes, specify up to three sources. If the source was a river, enter the name of the river in the source field. If the source was food, select the category from the food categories list shown below.

For each source identified, select the option that best describes the level of evidence available.

Level of Evidence Codes
1 - Elevated risk ratio or odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals not including 1 AND laboratory evidence
2a - Elevated relative risk or odds ratio with 95% confidence intervals not including 1
2b - Laboratory evidence, same organism and sub type detected in both cases and vehicle (to the highest level of identification)
3a - Compelling evidence, symptomatology attributable to specific organism e.g. scrombrotoxin, ciguatoxin etc
3b - Other association i.e. organism detected at source but not linked directly to the vehicle or indistinguishable DNA or PFGE profiles
3c - Raised but not statistically significant relative risk or odds ratio
4 - No evidence found but logical deduction given circumstances

Food Categories
Shellfish – crustaceans (e.g. crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill, barnacles)
Shellfish – molluscs (e.g. oysters, squids, snails, octopus, cuttlefish)
Meat – poultry
Meat – beef
Meat – game
Meat – pork
Vegetables – fungi
Vegetables – leafy
Vegetables – root
Vegetables – sprout
Vegetables – vine/stalk