Tuberculosis: Case classification

Case classification is only available for ‘TB disease - new case’ and ‘TB disease - relapse or reactivation’. Case classification is not available for ‘Latent tuberculosis infection’ or ‘Tuberculosis infection - old disease on preventive treatment’.

Under investigation - A suspected case that has been notified, but information is not yet available to classify it as probable, confirmed or not a case.

Probable - presumptive (without laboratory confirmation)
There is no laboratory confirmation but
(a) there are symptoms or signs compatible with active tuberculosis, such as compatible radiology or clinical evidence of current disease, AND
(b) full anti-tuberculous treatment has been started by a clinician.

Confirmed – A case that is laboratory confirmed.

If you are ticking “Confirmed” then one of the categories under “Laboratory Criteria” should be ticked “YES”.

Not a case - A case that has been investigated and found not to meet the case definition.

For more information refer to the Tuberculosis section of the Communicable Disease Control Manual.